The Clean Claim Ratio widget provides details about the total percentage of clean claims submitted single time and paid without resubmission to the same payer (primary, secondary, or tertiary payer.) This demonstrates Claim Scrubber’s accuracy. When getting report view of Clean Claim Ratio, system first lists the claims which are submitted multiple times followed by the list of clean claims. System does not consider the voided claims when displaying the clean claim ratio on the PM Dashboard.


You can change the facility and provider using drop-down options.
The range of Date of Service also can be expanded or reduced by selecting respective options to view details of current month or you can also customize the date range using the Custom option.

To view the detailed information about clean claims submitted within selected search criteria, click the Report View clip0049 icon. Once you click Report View icon, system displays the complete list of claims that are submitted once and submitted multiple times to the single payer. The number of total claims, clean claims, and the ratio of clean claims in percentage is also displayed at the end of the report.


System uses significant graph colors for better understanding;


If clean claim ratio is less than 80%, system uses red color.
If clean claim ratio is between 80 to 95%, system uses orange color.
If clean claim ratio is more than 95%, system uses green color.